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10 Days 755 : 10.04.2024

Schachpartien 7115
Schachturniere 65

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Santiago de Queretaro MEX, 69th Open

LXIX Campeonato Nacional e Internacional Abierto Mexicano.


Organizer(s) : 5119332 Hernandez Hernandez, Raul Enriqu
Tournament Director : 5120730 IA Cortina Montes, Fernando
Chief Arbiter : 5120730 IA Cortina Montes, Fernando
Deputy Chief Arbiter : 5101913 IA Martinez Garcia, Jose
Arbiter : 5125545 FA Arroyo Montenegro, David Isaac; 5109612 FA Bolio Zapata, Edwin; 5121663 FA Vargas Segur
Town : Santiago de Queretaro, QRO
Rating-Ø : 1967
Date : 2024/03/26 To 2024/03/31

Final ranking

Rank SNo.     Name                                      Rtg FED Type Pts Res. BH/M1 BH/C1 BH/C2  SB   
   1    1 GM  Martinez Alcantara Jose Eduardo          2603 MEX       8   0    43½   50½   45½  48,50 
   2    7 GM  Espinosa Veloz Ermes                     2484 CUB       7   0    42½   50½   45½  41,00 
   3   16 IM  Otero Acosta Diasmany                    2387 CUB       7   0    41    49    44½  38,25 
   4   11 IM  Galaviz Medina Sion Radamantys           2448 MEX U20   7   0    41    48    43   39,50 
   5    8 GM  Miranda Mesa Elier                       2472 CUB       7   0    38½   46½   42   37,25 
   6   21 IM  Sanchez Enriquez Oscar Gerardo           2326 MEX      6½   0    41    49    44   35,75 
   7    5 GM  Berdayes Ason Dylan Isidro               2505 CUB      6½   0    39    46    41½  34,00 
   8   17 FM  Sandoval Mercado Carlos                  2383 MEX      6½   0    39    46    41   35,25 
   9    6 GM  Gonzalez Zamora Juan Carlos              2498 MEX S50  6½   0    37½   44    39½  33,50 
  10   12 FM  Diaz Rosas Julio Cesar                   2409 MEX      6½   0    37    45    40½  32,00 
  11   32 IM  Martin Del Campo Cardenas Roberto Abel   2204 MEX S50  6½   0    35½   42    38   31,50 
  12    3 GM  Almeida Quintana Omar                    2524 CUB       6   0    44½   51½   45½  35,50 
  13    2 GM  Hernandez Guerrero Gilberto              2532 MEX S50   6   0    39½   46½   42   32,50 
  14   13 IM  Sanchez Sebastian Felipe                 2400 COL       6   0    39    47    43   29,50 
  15   25 FM  Gracia Alvarez Gerardo Antonio           2251 MEX       6   0    38½   45½   40½  30,75 
  16    9 GM  Cori Quispe Kevin Joel                   2468 MEX       6   0    38    45    40½  30,00 
  17   14 IM  Torres Rosas Luis Carlos                 2398 MEX       6   0    37½   43½   39   30,50 
  18   19 GM  Czebe Attila                             2344 HUN       6   0    37    43    38½  29,50 
  19   20 FM  Hidalgo Diaz Daniel                      2339 CUB U16   6   0    35½   42    38   29,00 
  20   33 IM  Estrada Nieto Julian                     2195 MEX S50   6   0    33    39    35   26,00 
  21   26 FM  Hernandez Guerrero Eduardo               2229 MEX S50   6   0    32    38½   34½  25,50 
  22    4 GM  Obregon Rivero Juan Carlos               2516 MEX      5½   0    39½   46½   42   28,50 
  23   22 FM  Benitez Lozano Javier                    2300 MEX      5½   0    39½   46½   41½  27,25 
  24   10 GM  Ibarra Chami Luis Fernando               2457 MEX      5½   0    38½   46½   42   27,25 
  25   29     Pompe Niko                               2220 SLO U18  5½   0    38    45    40½  26,50 
  26   36 CM  Montes Orozco Miguel Angel               2166 MEX U18  5½   0    36    43    40   22,75 
  27   24 FM  Rodriguez Basulto Reyson Ricardo         2264 CUB U20  5½   0    35½   42    37½  27,25 
  28   35     Ladan Nicholas                           2183 USA U20  5½   0    35    41½   37½  22,50 
  29   31 FM  Luna Javier Edgar Froylan                2207 MEX      5½   0    34½   41½   37½  25,75 
  30   58     Robledo Flores Emanuel                   1971 MEX U20  5½   0    34    40½   37   22,75 
  31   56     Diaz Gonzalez Jardon Emmanuel            1980 MEX U20  5½   0    32    38½   35   22,50 
  32   23     Schubert Christian  Dr.                  2275 GER S65  5½   0    32    38½   34½  24,25 
  33   39 NM  Fernandez Pozas Pablo Antonio            2136 MEX      5½   0    31    36½   33   22,50 
  34   28 FM  Tapie Amione Pablo Adib                  2221 MEX       5   0    38    44½   40   23,75 
  35   18 GM  Mitkov Nikola                            2373 MKD S50   5   0    37½   44½   40½  23,00 
  36   40 NM  Jorajuria Mendoza Algol                  2131 MEX U20   5   0    37    43½   39½  22,50 
  37   61 WFM Martinez De La Trinidad Alexandra      F 1965 MEX       5   0    36    42    37½  22,00 
  38   30 FM  Zacarias Rodriguez Santiago              2215 MEX U16   5   0    35½   43½   39   23,25 
  39   42 NM  Herrera Aguilar Rene Alexis              2082 MEX       5   0    34½   41½   37½  21,50 
  40   50 NM  Martinez Hernandez Alin                  2008 MEX       5   0    34    41    37   22,00 
  41   38 IM  Frey Beckman Kenneth                     2150 MEX S65   5   0    34    41    37   21,25 
  42   27 IM  Tamames Soria Cesar Manuel               2227 CUB U16   5   0    34    41    37   20,50 
  43   49     Lagunes Perez Roman Amisadai             2010 MEX U18   5   0    34    40½   37½  19,25 
  44   53     Garduno Huerta Joshua Emiliano           1983 MEX U16   5   0    34    40    36   19,50 
  45   84     Lad Neil                                 1880 USA U16   5   0    33½   40    36   21,25 
  46   91     Tovar Ochoa Cristopher Ian               1854 MEX U16   5   0    33    39    36   20,00 
  47   59     Martinez Flores Matias                   1970 MEX U12   5   0    32½   39    35½  20,25 
  48   60 CM  Lopez Rueda Juan Pablo                   1968 MEX       5   0    32½   38½   34½  21,25 
  49   62     Diaz Guerrero Jesus Daniel               1964 MEX U12   5   0    32    40    37   18,75 
  50   70     Silva Martinez Del Canizo Sebastian      1937 MEX U20   5   0    31½   38½   35   19,50 
  51   48 MK  Esquivel San Agustin Dieg                2010 MEX U20   5   0    31½   37    33½  18,25 
  52   41     Ruiz Perez Juan Octavio                  2112 MEX       5   0    30    37    33   20,00 
  53   90     Garcia Garcia Josue                      1854 MEX       5   0    30    35½   32½  18,25 
  54   89     Pinales Mejia Jose Angel                 1857 MEX U20   5   0    30    35½   32   18,50 
  55   96     Navarro Roman N                          1826 USA U16   5   0    27    32½   29½  16,50 
  56   63     Sarmiento Torres Mauro                   1962 MEX      4½   0    35½   41½   37½  19,00 
  57   15 IM  Figueredo Losada Leonel                  2395 MEX      4½   0    35    41½   37   21,50 
  58   72     Reyes Serrano Jose De Jesus              1926 MEX U18  4½   0    34½   41½   37½  18,00 
  59   69     Villarreal Hurtado Christian Daniel      1943 MEX U16  4½   0    34½   41    37½  19,00 
  60   45     Sarmiento Torres Felipe                  2060 MEX      4½   0    33    39½   36   17,00 
  61   52     Lozano Garay David Rey                   1997 MEX U16  4½   0    33    38½   34½  19,50 
  62   47 FM  Martin Del Campo C. Jorge                2029 MEX S65  4½   0    32    38½   34½  18,75 
  63   54     Silva Hernandez Jose Luis                1982 MEX S50  4½   0    32    37½   34   17,75 
  64   34 FM  Gonzalez Arroyo Lenin                    2191 MEX      4½   0    32    37½   33½  18,75 
  65   37     De Dios Suarez Jorge Emiliano            2151 MEX      4½   0    30    36½   33½  16,75 
  66   73     Ruiz Ortiz Gabriel Abraham               1924 MEX U18  4½   0    29½   35½   33   15,50 
  67   97     Flores Ordaz Jorge De Jesus              1824 MEX U18  4½   0    29½   35    31½  16,75 
  68   79     Salinas Cardenas Rodrigo Salvador        1898 MEX U16  4½   0    29½   34½   31½  14,50 
  69   75     Tun Pinzon Oscar Mauricio                1911 MEX      4½   0    29    36    33   16,00 
  70  125     Carranza Paez Raymundo Alfonso              0 MEX      4½   0    28    33½   30½  16,75 
  71  103     Ortiz Barranon Fernando                  1805 MEX      4½   0    27    32    29½  14,50 
  72  105     Flores Mondragon Aleks                   1792 MEX      4½   0    26½   32    29   16,50 
  73   66     Vega Castaneda Ulises Antonio            1947 MEX       4   0    33½   39½   36½  16,25 
  74   76     Leal Escamilla Daniel Zinedine           1903 MEX U14   4   0    32½   39    35   16,00 
  75   94     Langle Aquino Juan Antonio               1842 MEX       4   0    32½   38½   34   18,25 
  76   88     Karlseng Christian                       1863 USA U16   4   0    32½   38    34½  16,75 
  77   55     Villanueva Vazquez Uriel Alfonso         1981 MEX       4   0    32½   38    34   17,00 
  78   74     Vega Lezama Maximo Fernando              1916 MEX       4   0    32    37½   33½  15,00 
  79   46     Mendoza Inzunza Miguel Angel             2059 MEX U14   4   0    31    37    33½  14,50 
  80   71     Saenz Ramos Jorge Luis                   1929 MEX       4   0    30    36    33   14,50 
  81   65     Patino Uriostegui Luis Guillermo         1953 MEX       4   0    29½   34½   31½  13,50 
  82   87     Monroy Cuevas Erick                      1866 MEX       4   0    29    35    32   13,25 
  83   93     Morales Viscaya Joel Artemio             1845 MEX       4   0    28½   34½   31½  13,75 
  84   64     Bolanos Lepere Ulises                    1960 MEX       4   0    28½   34½   31½  13,50 
      127     Maldonado Perez Ruben                       0 MEX       4   0    28½   34½   31½  13,50 
  86   98     Ruiz Bolanos Eithan                      1824 MEX U12   4   0    28½   34    30½  15,25 
  87   83     Angeles Dorantes Leon Felipe             1880 MEX       4   0    27½   33½   30½  14,25 
  88  107     Saldana Subias Santiago                  1772 MEX U20   4   0    27½   32½   29½  14,00 
  89   86     Romano Grobeisen Elias                   1872 MEX       4   0    26    31½   29   10,50 
  90   44 MK  Hernandez Sosa Juan Anton                2070 MEX       4   0    25½   31½   29   12,00 
  91   82     Granados Segura Jose Anto                1887 MEX S50   4   0    25    30½   28   11,50 
  92   78 CM  Vega Castaneda Luis Carlos               1898 MEX      3½   0    30    36    32½  11,50 
  93  104     Gonzalez Herrera Alberto                 1799 MEX      3½   0    29    34½   31½  10,75 
  94  109     Manzo Bautista Victor Man                1748 MEX      3½   0    28½   34    30½  12,50 
  95   80     Aparicio Gonzalez Diego                  1888 MEX      3½   0    26½   33½   31½  9,00  
  96   77     Muller Iriarte Carlos                    1901 MEX S50  3½   0    26    32    29   9,75  
  97  100     Lupercio Avila Jose Raziel               1815 MEX      3½   0    26    31½   28½  9,25  
  98   85     Esquer Sumuano Manuel Z                  1878 MEX      3½   0    25½   31    28   11,50 
  99  126     Garcia Del Valle Eduardo                    0 MEX      3½   0    24½   29½   27   8,25  
 100  111     Flores Ojeda Inti Dario                  1733 MEX U12  3½   0    22½   27    24½  8,75  
 101   92     Marroquin Poblano Jorge                  1852 MEX       3   0    31    37    33   12,50 
 102   68     Paez Aceves Jorge Luis                   1944 MEX       3   0    31    36½   33½  9,75  
 103  123     Rubio Hidalgo Eduardo                    1400 MEX       3   0    30½   36    32   11,50 
 104   67     Teran Fuentes Hector                     1946 MEX S50   3   0    28½   35    32½  9,50  
 105  113     Rugerio Garcia Juan Francisco            1710 MEX       3   0    27    32    30½  7,00  
 106  124     Amaya Salazar Josue Alfredo                 0 MEX       3   0    26½   31½   28½  9,50  
 107  108     Sanchez Gonzalez Uri                     1755 MEX       3   0    26½   31½   28½  9,00  
 108  128     Olhovich Cortina Andrey                     0 MEX       3   0    26    31    28½  7,50  
 109   99 AFM Arias Perez Eduardo                      1821 MEX       3   0    25½   31½   28½  8,25  
 110  112     Herrera Vargas Jesus Ivan                1715 MEX U20   3   0    25½   31    29   8,00  
 111  118     Zempoalteca Estrada Luis Miguel          1624 MEX       3   0    24½   29½   27   7,50  
 112  106     Canez Perez Elier Agustin                1777 MEX       3   0    23½   28½   26½  6,00  
 113   81     Jimenez Barajas Victor Omar              1888 MEX      2½   0    33    39½   36   11,50 
 114   51     Juarez Solis Jesus Santos                2007 MEX      2½   0    30    35½   32   9,25  
 115  120     Becerra Noriega Jose Adria               1482 MEX      2½   0    26    31    28   8,00  
 116  101     Hernandez Hernandez Pedro                1806 MEX U18  2½   0    23    28½   27   5,50  
 117  122     Gaytan Aguirre Erik Daniel               1400 MEX       2   0    24½   29    26½  7,75  
 118  121     Nava Gonzalez Leonardo                   1419 MEX       2   0    22½   27½   25   5,50  
 119  116     Aguilar Huang Julio Alberto              1692 MEX U10   2   0    22    27    25   3,50  
 120  102     Ibarra Elizarraras Juan Jose             1805 MEX S50   2   0    19½   25    23½  4,50  
 121  114     Martinez Sanchez Martin Josue            1698 MEX       2   0    19½   24½   23   2,50  
 122  117     Linares Loyo Miguel                      1649 MEX      1½   0    23    28    25   3,00  
 123  129     Vargas Garcia Jose Dolores                  0 MEX       1   0    26½   32    29½  4,00  
 124  115     Morales Canizales Marco                  1698 MEX S50   1   0    26½   31½   29   4,50  
 125   57 WIM Guerrero Rodriguez Alejandra           F 1977 MEX S50   1   0    25½   31    28½  3,00  
 126   95     Moran Martinez Juan Pablo                1832 MEX       1   0    23½   29½   27½  1,50  
 127   43 NM  Bustamante Orta Jorge                    2073 MEX       0   0    21    26    24½  0,00  
      110     Maldonado Mares Eduardo                  1738 MEX S65   0   0    21    26    24½  0,00  
      119     Ortega Bustamante Irving Paris           1496 MEX       0   0    21    26    24½  0,00  


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