Die regelmässige Schachdatenbanken 10 Days beinhaltet Partien von Schachturnieren von der ganzen Welt

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Important: The 10 Days database will be discontinued on January 1st, 2025 and will not receive further updates.

10 Days 726 : 20.06.2023

Schachpartien 7017
Schachturniere 50

Sehen Sie alle Turniere

Sant Adria de Besos ESP, 17th Open

Rank SNo. Name                               Rtg FED Type Gr Pts BH. BH. BH. 
   1    2 Capellades Subirana Marc MF       2365 Cat          8  44  42½ 49½ 
   2    1 Ruiz Mata Oscar MF                2372 Cat          7  45½ 42½ 50½ 
   3    3 Gutierrez Clares Joaquim CM       2311 Cat          7  44  40½ 48½ 
   4    8 Nadal Fajardo Ricard CM           2187 Cat          7  43  40½ 47½ 
   5   13 Lorca Cortada David               2114 Cat      A  6½  44½ 41  49  
   6    4 Ledo Garcia Joan Benet            2224 Cat          6  44  41  49  
   7   14 Flores de Paco David              2102 Cat      A   6  42½ 39  47  
   8   19 Molinero Martin Joan              2075 Cat      A   6  41½ 38  46  
   9   12 Namay Caceres Santos CM           2124 Cat +65  A   6  40  37½ 44½ 
  10    5 Fernandez Madrid Carlos CM        2222 Cat          6  38½ 37½ 43½ 
  11   25 Lopez Diaz Daniel                 1993 Cat      B   6  38½ 35  43  
  12   21 Recio Reyes Sergio                2051 Cat      A   6  34  32½ 38  
  13    9 Marches Rios Joan Manuel CM       2154 Cat         5½  42  39½ 46½ 
  14   53 Chen Siyuan                       1797 Cat S-18 C  5½  39½ 36½ 43  
  15   29 Fabregas Fontanet Antoni          1973 Cat +65  B  5½  39½ 35  43  
  16   15 Brugarolas Manzaneque Carles      2101 Cat      A  5½  38  35½ 42½ 
  17   18 Alcala Valiente Juan Carlos       2082 Cat      A  5½  36½ 33  40  
  18   31 Escribano Rodriguez Pedro         1964 Cat      B  5½  35½ 33½ 39½ 
  19    7 Abreu Flores Daniel               2199 Cat          5  42½ 40½ 47½ 
  20   26 Gallardo Bernal Enric             1987 Cat      B   5  39  36½ 43½ 
  21   17 Rodriguez Regull German           2085 Cat +65  A   5  38½ 36  43  
  22   20 Bollero Romera Alfonso            2053 Cat +65  A   5  37  34  40½ 
  23   37 Calderon Gutierrez Felipe         1919 Cat      B   5  36½ 33½ 40  
  24   27 Daimiel Bescos Eleuterio          1975 Cat      B   5  36  33  40  
  25   66 Fernandez Cardenete Alejandro     1700 Cat      C   5  33½ 32  37½ 
  26   32 Alegret Griño Amadeu              1958 Cat      B   5  32½ 29  35½ 
  27   36 Clanchet Olle Josep               1929 Cat      B   5  31  28½ 34½ 
  28   23 Lopez Manzano Antoni              2030 Cat +65  A  4½  39  36  43  
  29   22 De la Fuente Clemente Constantino 2039 Cat      A  4½  38½ 36  42½ 
  30   51 Garcia Punzano Josep Lluis        1805 Cat      C  4½  37½ 34½ 40½ 
  31   35 Reyes Marin Raul                  1937 Cat      B  4½  37½ 34  41  
  32   30 Rebull Camarasa Ramon             1971 Cat      B  4½  37  34  40½ 
  33   47 Subirana Santos Marc              1817 Cat +65  C  4½  35½ 33  39  
  34   38 Larios Jimenez Rafael             1907 Cat      B  4½  35½ 32  38½ 
  35   44 Trullas Tugues Ivan               1848 Cat      C  4½  35  31  38  
  36   54 Abascal Vicente Ignacio           1796 Cat +65  C  4½  34½ 31½ 38  
  37    6 Gonzalez Cobos Arnau              2217 Cat S-18    4½  33½ 32  37½ 
  38   33 Grao Amaya Rafael                 1958 Cat      B  4½  33  31  36½ 
  39   59 Navarro Garcia Alberto            1755 Cat      C  4½  32  28  34  
  40   63 Riera Miralles Vicente Julian     1714 Cat      C  4½  31  29  34  
  41   73 Rojo Serradilla Alejandro         1668 Cat S-16 C  4½  30½ 28  34  
  42   24 Mas Recorda Pere                  2014 Cat +65  A   4  38½ 37½ 43½ 
  43   39 Seijas Castro Pedro               1902 Cat      B   4  34  30  37  
  44   50 Lopez Cayuela Pedro               1810 Cat      C   4  33½ 30  37  
  45   62 Guerra Blanco Antonio             1732 Cat      C   4  33  30  36½ 
  46   69 Rubies Feijoo Carles              1700 Cat      C   4  32½ 30½ 36  
  47   55 Belmonte Fernandez Jose Antonio   1782 Cat      C   4  31  28  34  
  48   57 Ponsa Asensio Ramon               1772 Cat      C   4  31  26  33  
  49   56 Cervera Lopez Miguel              1775 Cat      C   4  28½ 25½ 31  
  50   43 Costa Trave Jaume                 1863 Cat +65  B  3½  39½ 37  44  
  51   41 Subirats Martinez Miquel A.       1890 Cat      B  3½  35½ 32½ 39  
  52   28 Gimenez Ubeda Rafel               1974 Cat      B  3½  35  32  39  
  53   42 Garcia Miralles Eduard            1871 Cat      B  3½  33½ 31  37½ 
  54   46 Ordoñez Rodriguez Victor          1841 Cat      C  3½  33½ 29½ 36½ 
  55   52 Garcia Gonzalez Juan              1804 Cat +65  C  3½  33  30  36  
  56   48 Garcia Gomez Luis                 1813 Cat      C  3½  31  28  33½ 
  57   60 Porta Chicote David               1743 Cat      C  3½  30½ 27  33  
  58   65 Bobitiu Constantin                1700 Cat      C  3½  29½ 25  31½ 
  59   78 Perez Marti Alfonso               1585 Cat S-20 C  3½  29  26½ 32  
  60   80 Antequera Garcia Luis             1572 Cat      C  3½  28  24½ 30  
  61   40 Costa Ribalta Andres              1891 Cat      B   3  31  29½ 35  
  62   79 Febrero Perez Lluis               1574 CAT +65  C   3  31  29½ 34½ 
  63   84 Sales Artigas Nil                 1485 Cat S-14 C   3  30  28  33  
  64   81 Llop Ruiz Ruben Fernando          1555 Cat      C   3  28  26½ 31  
  65   86 Lopez Soler Pablo                 1383 Cat +65  C   3  27  24½ 29  
  66   68 Martinez Muñoz Javier             1700 Cat      C   3  27  23½ 29  
  67   70 Sanchez Coves Joan Josep          1681 Cat +65  C   3  26½ 23½ 28½ 
  68   58 Font Trenchs Joan                 1762 Cat      C   3  26  23½ 28½ 
  69   61 Gallardo Fernandez Jordi          1737 Cat      C  2½  34  30½ 37½ 
  70   11 Ramon Serrano Francisco Javier    2130 Cat      A  2½  32  30  35½ 
  71   75 Andreu Carretero Javier           1618 Cat      C  2½  31½ 31  35½ 
  72   74 Del Rio Crespo Jose Antonio       1637 Cat      C  2½  31  29½ 34½ 
  73   72 Arnau Juli Alfred                 1671 Cat      C  2½  29½ 26  31½ 
  74   67 Garrido Gutierrez Alejandro Jose  1700 Cat      C  2½  29  27½ 32½ 
  75   64 Borja Casas Jordi                 1712 Cat      C  2½  26½ 23½ 28½ 
  76   16 Prats Rodriguez Joan Bosco CM     2089 Cat      A   2  33½ 30  37  
  77   77 Bienvenido Kleque Jose            1609 Cat +65  C   2  29  25½ 31  
  78   83 Ridao Ibañez Alex                 1504 Cat S-14 C   2  26  25  29  
  79   76 Izquierdo Sanchez Alejandro       1613 Cat      C   2  25  22½ 27  
  80   10 Alvarez Justo Elias               2143 Cat      A  1½  29½ 27  32  
  81   45 Aballanet Beltran Eloi            1844 Cat      C   1  32½ 27  35  
  82   71 Repullo Camacho Isaac             1672 Cat S-18 C   1  29  25½ 31  
  83   34 Molina Hernandez Albert           1939 Cat +65  B   1  26  22  28  
  84   49 Garcia Ahumada Lluis              1811 Cat      C   0  24½ 21  26  
       82 Quintanilla Paz-Soldan Mario      1553 Cat      C   0  24½ 21  26  
       85 Pedrido Venero Adrian             1428 Cat      C   0  24½ 21  26 


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