Die regelmässige Schachdatenbanken 10 Days beinhaltet Partien von Schachturnieren von der ganzen Welt

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Important: The 10 Days database will be discontinued on January 1st, 2025 and will not receive further updates.

10 Days 720 : 20.04.2023

Schachpartien 5396
Schachturniere 60

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Riobamba ECU, Ch U18 (b) 2023

Boys U18

Rank SNo.     Name                                 Rtg NRtg IRtg FED Club Type Pts Res. BH. BH. Fide Vict 
   1    2     Garzon Zapatanga Christopher Leonel 1999 2057 1999 ECU Mor  U16  7½   0   48½ 53½  38   7   
   2    4     Chilan Villa Andres Jesus           1860 1879 1860 ECU Gua        7   ½   50  54½  41   6   
   3    1     Badillo Ramos Steve                 2016 2036 2016 ECU Chi        7   ½   48½ 50½  36   6   
   4   12     Gonzabay Vidal Nick Steven          1561 1469 1561 ECU Ste  U16  6½   0   47½ 51  36½   6   
   5    3     Guaraca Pintado Juan Pablo          1928 1871 1928 ECU Mor  U18  6½   0   47  51½ 33½   6   
   6    7     Vargas Sotelo Victor Salomon        1676 1798 1676 ECU Suc  U18  6½   0   40  42½  30   6   
   7   11     Cargua Inca Mateo                   1562 1748 1562 ECU Chi        6   0   48  52½  35   4   
   8    6     Nunez Villavicencio Jorge Daniel    1730 1851 1730 ECU Pic  U18   6   0   47  51  32½   5   
   9   16 CM  Pianchiche Acero Miyamu Nillu       1507 1794 1507 ECU Esm  U16   6   0   44½ 47½ 32½   5   
  10   15     Lainez Reyes Isaac Willian          1513 1613 1513 ECU Ste  U18   6   0   41½ 43½  31   5   
  11   30     Obaco Cuenca Dalthon Farid          1307 1407 1307 ECU Suc        6   0   34  36½  26   6   
  12   13 AFM Giler Moncayo Boris Antonio         1544 1828 1544 ECU Esm  U16  5½   0   50½ 54½ 33½   5   
  13    5     Orozco Aguilera Pablo               1820 1879 1820 ECU Chi       5½   0   45½ 49½ 31½   4   
  14   10     Rubio Chancay Ostin Jose            1583 1732 1583 ECU Nap  U16  5½   0   44  47½  30   4   
  15   21     Juma Moreno Jayro Javier            1404 1585 1404 ECU Imb       5½   0   44  46½ 27½   5   
  16   17     Alvarado Navarro Dante Santiago     1477 1685 1477 ECU Oro  U16  5½   0   43  45  29½   5   
  17   29     Cevallos Mendoza Carlos Alejandro   1307 1600 1307 ECU Chi       5½   0   42  45½  28   3   
  18   22     Cruz Reyes Nick                     1357 1736 1357 ECU Suc       5½   0   39½ 42½  29   5   
  19    8     Gonzalez Loaiza Roberth Alberto     1625 1880 1625 ECU Oro       5½   0   38  40  27½   3   
  20   14     Velez Cajas Josthyn Freddy          1521 1720 1521 ECU Pic  U16  5½   0   36  39½ 26½   2   
  21   24     Chavez Conforme Bryan Xavier        1352 1663 1352 ECU Man  U16  5½   0   36  38   25   5   
  22   27     Aguilar Loor Anthony Jahir          1340 1336 1340 ECU Lrs        5   0   42  45  28½   4   
  23   28     Ortiz Pilco Carlos Alberto          1327 1422 1327 ECU Loj  U16   5   0   41½ 45  26½   4   
  24   19     Morocho Garzon Fernando Jose        1456 1690 1456 ECU Mor        5   0   40½ 43½  28   4   
  25   33     Nevarez Castro Omar                 1286 1484 1286 ECU Chi        5   0   40  42½ 26½   4   
  26   25     Atiencia Penaloza Cristian Damian   1350 1620 1350 ECU Nap  U16   5   0   40  42  25½   3   
  27    9     Ramos Proano Leonardo Josue         1583 1754 1583 ECU Pic  U18   5   0   39½ 42   26   4   
  28   18 CM  Murillo Coloma Sergio               1465 1565 1465 ECU Gua        5   0   38½ 42   28   3   
  29   20     Molina Moreno Alejandro             1421 1516 1421 ECU Gua        5   0   38  41½ 24½   4   
  30   32     Heredia Palacios Mateo              1298 1398 1298 ECU Tun        5   0   34½ 37   23   4   
  31   36     Torres Tomala Jeffrey               1265 1365 1265 ECU Ste        5   0   34  36½  19   5   
  32   38     Jimenez Molina Richard Andres       1250 1572 1250 ECU Cot        5   0   33  35  20½   4   
  33   48     Salas Ona Juan Andres               1140 1240 1140 ECU Pic       4½   0   42½ 46½ 24½   3   
  34   45     Sanchez Bravo Robert Nicolas        1191 1504 1191 ECU Loj       4½   0   40½ 44   23   2   
  35   37     Taco Aveiga Alejandro               1257 1357 1257 ECU Esm       4½   0   39  41   24   4   
  36   26     Monar Narvaez Bryan Josue           1349 1523 1349 ECU Lrs  U18  4½   0   37  39½  23   4   
       31     Garcia Alban Jorge Alejandro        1304 1583 1304 ECU Man  U16  4½   0   37  39½  23   4   
  38   34     Ramos Arias Victor Hugo             1271 1626 1271 ECU Lrs  U18  4½   0   36½ 40   23   3   
  39   41     Bermeo Apolinario Bismarck Eduardo  1240 1523 1240 ECU Gua  U18  4½   0   32  34½  18   3   
  40   23     Chiluisa Bautista Matias            1355 1565 1355 ECU Cot       4½   0   31  33½  20   4   
  41   42     Nagua Valladares Kevin Joel         1234 1574 1234 ECU Oro  U16   4   0   38  41  20½   2   
  42   47     Villon Rodriguez Mario              1175 1275 1175 ECU Ste        4   0   37  39½  21   4   
  43   39     Nevarez Castro Andres               1250 1473 1250 ECU Chi        4   0   36½ 39   19   4   
  44   55     Pilamunga Manuel                    1478 1478    0 ECU Bol        4   0   36  38½ 18½   3   
  45   40     Novillo Rodriguez Isaac             1241 1743 1241 ECU Chi        4   0   34  36  18½   3   
  46   63     Jacome Jaramillo Jose Miguel           0    0    0 ECU Pic        4   0   33  36   16   4   
  47   68     Villon Rodriguez Diego                 0    0    0 ECU Ste  U16   4   0   33  35   17   3   
  48   44     Salazar Peralta Edwin Elian         1209 1481 1209 ECU Tun  U16  3½   0   41½ 45½ 21½   3   
  49   49     Tenempaguay Madrid Isaac            1136 1236 1136 ECU Ste       3½   0   37½ 40   18   3   
  50   52     Ocampo Pacheco Brangel              1075 1267 1075 ECU Suc       3½   0   37  40   17   1   
  51   46     Bedon Palacios Kevin David          1184 1284 1184 ECU Cot       3½   0   37  39  19½   3   
  52   50     Revelo Montenegro Isaac             1128 1228 1128 ECU Imb       3½   0   35  37   17   3   
  53   58     Aguirre Proano Steven Pavel         1286 1286    0 ECU Pic       3½   0   34  36   17   3   
  54   54     Viteri Orteaga Jose Ivan            1031 1319 1031 ECU Loj       3½   0   32  34   15   3   
  55   62     Alban Vargas Joel                      0    0    0 ECU Tun       3½   0   28½ 30½ 12½   2   
  56   51     Gonzalez Gonzalez Diego Ezequiel    1111 1211 1111 ECU Ste        3   0   39  41   19   3   
  57   53     Gutierrez Pilco Ulises Shande       1038 1457 1038 ECU Nap  U18   3   0   32½ 35   14   2   
  58   56     Plaza Moreta Juan Daniel            1391 1391    0 ECU Chi        3   0   31  33   13   3   
  59   65     Reyes Orozco Paulo                     0    0    0 ECU Tun        3   0   30½ 32½  12   3   
  60   43     Logrono Ayala Daniel                1234 1530 1234 ECU Chi       2½   0   36½ 39½ 16½   2   
  61   69     Vivanco Vicente Rafael                 0    0    0 ECU Tun       2½   0   35  37½  17   1   
  62   64     Jordan Rodriguez Daniel                0    0    0 ECU Tun       2½   0   31½ 34  11½   2   
  63   61     Abril Munoz Ernesto Javier             0    0    0 ECU Gua  U16  2½   0   29  31   12   1   
  64   66     Romero David                           0    0    0 ECU Cot  U16  2½   0   26  28   7½   1   
  65   57     Cedeno Moreira Leandro Miguel       1351 1351    0 ECU Man  U14  2½   0   24  26   4½   2   
  66   67     Steffelaar Paguay Steveb               0    0    0 ECU Tun        2   0   32  34½  12   2   
  67   59     Villacres Portero Emilio Sebastian  1278 1278    0 ECU Tun  U16   2   0   31½ 33½ 11½   1   
  68   35     Chabla Rivera Jeyfer Adrian         1271 1423 1271 ECU Mor        2   0   29½ 31½  5    2   
  69   60     Gualpa Izurieta Edgar Andrés        1219 1219    0 ECU Pic        0   0   26  27   0    0   

Girls U18

Rank SNo. Name                                  Rtg NRtg IRtg FED Club Type Pts Res. BH. BH. Fide Vict 
   1    4 Guerrero Caicedo Arlette Sabina    F 1627 1766 1627 ECU Tun  U18  7½   0   43½ 48  35½   7   
   2    1 Orbe Vivero Veronica Priscila      F 1853 1824 1853 ECU Imb        7   0   47  51   35   6   
   3   10 Loor Veliz Thais Arianna           F 1384 1514 1384 ECU Lrs       6½   0   43½ 48   32   5   
   4    8 Oblitas Calle Alexa Domenik        F 1430 1710 1430 ECU Man  U16  6½   0   42  46½  31   6   
   5    2 Miranda Vargas Analia Karen        F 1814 1823 1814 ECU Tun        6   0   45½ 49½  32   5   
   6    7 Jurado Grefa Heidy Eliana          F 1453 1700 1453 ECU Nap  U16   6   0   41  45   28   6   
   7   25 Tapia Morocho Alison Micaela       F 1127 1224 1127 ECU Loj       5½   0   40  44  26½   4   
   8    9 Buenano Silva Antonella Salome     F 1425 1735 1425 ECU Tun  U16   5   0   47½ 51½  34   5   
   9   15 Oviedo Carrillo Tamia Salome       F 1289 1507 1289 ECU Pic        5   0   42½ 45½  28   3   
  10   11 Roman Tapia Ariana Alejandra       F 1383 1407 1383 ECU Pic  U18   5   0   41½ 45½ 28½   3   
  11    3 Palacios Gordillo Camila Estefania F 1813 1683 1813 ECU Imb        5   0   41½ 45   25   3   
  12   14 Zhunio Guaman Sofia                F 1307 1548 1307 ECU Mor  U16   5   0   41  42  26½   3   
  13   24 Oleas Vanegas Nathaly Vanessa      F 1127 1418 1127 ECU Pic  U18   5   0   39  42  24½   4   
  14   20 Valverde Suarez Alhanys Veronica   F 1208 1432 1208 ECU Lrs        5   0   38½ 41½  25   3   
  15   22 Lara Cuenca Daniela                F 1181 1385 1181 ECU Loj       4½   0   42½ 46  23½   4   
  16    5 Orbe Vivero Maria Jose             F 1530 1513 1530 ECU Imb       4½   0   40½ 44½  26   3   
  17    6 Borbor Velez Leysla Amada          F 1462 1620 1462 ECU Gua  U18  4½   0   40  44   24   1   
  18   19 Galvez Alvarado Nissi Aline        F 1220 1569 1220 ECU Gua  U16  4½   0   39  42  20½   2   
  19   17 Grob Rosero Amelie                 F 1248 1552 1248 ECU Esm       4½   0   38½ 41½ 21½   3   
  20   21 Loor Paredes Salem Cristina        F 1205 1636 1205 ECU Gua  U16  4½   0   38½ 39½ 23½   4   
  21   18 Cardenas Medrano Areli Dayalem     F 1227 1337 1227 ECU Pic  U16  4½   0   38  39½  23   3   
  22   26 Villamar Mera Allison Michelle     F 1096 1563 1096 ECU Man  U16  4½   0   37  40  21½   2   
  23   23 Delgado Demera Alisson Michelle    F 1161 1534 1161 ECU Man  U18  4½   0   33½ 34   20   3   
  24   29 Guayano Tipan Maria Jose             1013    0 1013 ECU Lrs       4½   0   32½ 33  17½   4   
  25   28 Mena Vintimilla Angela Sofia       F 1039 1356 1039 ECU Mor       4½   0   32  32½  16   4   
  26   35 Gonzalez Gonzalez Nadia Nohemi     F    0    0    0 ECU Ste  U16   4   0   39½ 40½  20   3   
  27   30 Santander Ojeda Naidely            F 1007 1107 1007 ECU Suc        4   0   37  40½ 21½   1   
  28   13 Chamba Guerrero Sara Salome        F 1323 1579 1323 ECU Tun  U16   4   0   37  38½ 20½   3   
  29   16 Naekat Mashianda Jomaira Fernanda  F 1279 1636 1279 ECU Mor  U16   4   0   33  33½ 19½   3   
  30   27 Nagua Valladares Sonia Maileth     F 1092 1441 1092 ECU Oro  U16   4   0   28  28½  17   3   
  31   12 Villagomez Muenala Saya Emily        1327 1435 1327 ECU Imb  U18  3½   0   38  42   21   2   
  32   33 Santillan Cachiguango Yacumina     F 1236 1236    0 ECU Imb        3   0   32½ 33   14   2   
  33   31 Moreno Villacreses Micaela Vicka   F 1262 1262    0 ECU Pas  U16   3   0   29½ 30   13   3   
  34   36 Tomala Lopez Lia Angelina          F    0    0    0 ECU Lrs  U16  1½   0   29½ 30   8    1   
  35   32 Marin Nieto Noemi Marcela          F 1249 1249    0 ECU Nap  U16   1   0   29½ 30   5    1   
  36   34 Jumbo Cardenas Genesis Alexandra   F 1118 1118    0 ECU Nap  U16   ½   0   29  30   2    0   


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