Die regelmässige Schachdatenbanken 10 Days beinhaltet Partien von Schachturnieren von der ganzen Welt

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Important: The 10 Days database will be discontinued on January 1st, 2025 and will not receive further updates.

10 Days 727 : 01.07.2023

Schachpartien 5394
Schachturniere 61

Sehen Sie alle Turniere

Quito ECU, Men Ch 2023

Rank SNo.     Name                                    Rtg FED Type  Gr  Pts Res. BH. BH. Fide Vict 
   1    1 FM  Noboa Silva Kevin Omar                 2278 Chi 1RO  $300  7   2   46  49½  32   6   
   2    4 FM  Esmeraldas Huachi Anderson Yahir       2141 Suc 2DO  $200  7   ½   49½ 53  37½   6   
   3   23     Norona Obaco Wenceslao Rodrigo         1721 Suc 3RO  $150  7   ½   47  49½ 40½   6   
   4   18 CM  Viscaino Yanez Jhonny Cesar            1920 Pic 4TO  $100 6½   0   45  48  33½   6   
   5   15     Bone Munoz Luis Jonny                  1982 Ore 5TO  $50  6½   0   40  43   32   5   
   6    3     Carrasco Jacome Bryan Ricardo          2211 Pic            6   0   46½ 51   33   6   
   7    5 FM  Munoz Sanchez Jhon Marcelo             2132 Gua            6   0   44½ 49  31½   5   
   8   11     Saltos Velez Adrian Arturo             2037 Man            6   0   43  46½ 31½   5   
   9   16     Chang Suarez Andres                    1960 Lrs            6   0   42  45  30½   5   
  10    9 CM  Mendoza Criollo Carlos David           2058 Azu            6   0   40  43½ 29½   5   
  11   25     Guerrero Cajeca Matias Israel          1705 Pic            6   0   37  38½  27   6   
  12   12 IM  Pazos Gambarrotti Plinio               2024 Pic           5½   0   46½ 51   31   4   
  13    2 IM  Munoz Sanchez Miguel Angel             2211 Gua           5½   0   40½ 43½ 28½   4   
  14   24     Granda Suarez Jerry Marlon             1709 Oro           5½   0   40½ 43   25   5   
  15   37     Cruz Reyes Nick Steven                 1387 Suc           5½   0   38½ 40  25½   5   
  16   13     Benitez Chiriboga Jaime                2009 Pic           5½   0   32½ 35½  21   5   
  17   40     Nagua Valladares Kevin Joel            1254 Oro            5   0   45  49½ 29½   4   
  18   22     Narvaez Carvajal Jose                  1871 Pic            5   0   45  47½  29   5   
  19   17     Wong Pages Juan Diego                  1955 Gua            5   0   42½ 46  26½   4   
  20   20     Chilan Villa Andres Jesus              1894 Gua            5   0   42  45   30   3   
  21   14     Badillo Ramos Steve                    1993 Chi            5   0   40½ 43½  29   2   
  22   26     Navas Tonato Miguel Andres             1593 Cot            5   0   34½ 37  22½   4   
  23   10     Reinoso Salas Daniel Alejandro         2055 Chi           4½   0   44  48½  27   3   
  24    8 FM  Guerrero Fuentes Carlos Andres         2061 Imb           4½   0   43  46½ 23½   4   
  25   29     Mancheno Barahona Matias Gabriel       1529 Pic           4½   0   41  44½ 26½   3   
  26   32     Ramos Proano Leonardo Josue            1480 Pic           4½   0   40½ 43   23   4   
  27    7     Castro Murillo Gonzalo Fernando        2070 Pic           4½   0   38½ 41½ 24½   4   
  28   28     Gonzalez Loayza Roberth Alberto        1541 Oro           4½   0   38½ 41½ 20½   4   
  29   33 CM  Murillo Coloma Sergio Andres           1465 Gua           4½   0   38  39   21   4   
  30   30     Quinde Rizzo Hugo Josue                1512 Gua           4½   0   37  39½ 19½   4   
  31   39     Sanchez Muyulema Anderson Isaac        1320 Cañ           4½   0   35½ 36½  19   3   
  32   27 AIM Cajamarca Gordillo Sebastian Alejandro 1565 Imb           4½   0   33½ 37  21½   2   
  33   36     Alban Mendez Carlos Billy              1422 Pic           4½   0   33  35½ 17½   4   
  34   19     Cerezo Najera Jorge                    1916 Lrs           4½   0   32½ 35½  21   3   
  35   21     Gaibor Gallardo Luis Alfredo           1891 Oro            4   0   44½ 45½  28   2   
  36   35     Velez Cajas Jhostyn Freddy             1444 Pic            4   0   38  40½ 22½   3   
  37   55     Zambrano Bedoya Diego Omar                0 Pic            4   0   36  39  18½   3   
  38    6     Yepez Jaramillo Marco Vinicio          2102 Pic           3½   0   39  42½ 21½   3   
  39   38     Obaco Cuenca Dalthon Farid             1323 Suc           3½   0   39  41½  21   3   
  40   34     Juma Moreno Jayro Javier               1464 Imb           3½   0   38  41   19   3   
  41   31     Yepez Ortiz Horacio                    1494 Pic           3½   0   36  38½  16   3   
  42   47     Vallejo Chavez Francisco Paul          1041 Pic           3½   0   35  37½ 16½   3   
  43   45     Vargas Salazar Alvaro Matias           1111 Ore           3½   0   33  35½  15   3   
  44   46     Pinargote Balazar Erick Alejandro      1108 Ore           3½   0   32½ 35   18   2   
  45   44     Revelo Montenegro Cristopher Isaac     1112 Imb           3½   0   32½ 35   14   3   
  46   48     Bustos Chaveewong Kyle Matthew            0 Cañ            3   0   31½ 33   14   3   
  47   43     Gualotuna Duran Dante Alfredo          1158 Pic            3   0   31  32   10   3   
  48   50     Erazo Perez Erick Andres                  0 Imb            3   0   30  31½  11   2   
  49   52     Mayorga Hermoza Jaim Gamliel              0 Imb            3   0   26½ 27½  9    2   
  50   41     Salas Ona Juan Andres                  1216 Pic           2½   0   38  41½ 17½   2   
  51   42     Salas Ona Noah Sebastian               1212 Pic           2½   0   32  34½  13   2   
  52   51     Fuentes Iturralde Nicolas Enrique         0 Ore           2½   0   29½ 30½ 10½   2   
  53   54     Vargas Gonzalez Juan Pablo                0 Cañ           2½   0   26  27   12   2   
  54   53     Saula Ramirez Luis Emiliano               0 Cañ            2   0   26½ 27½  7½   0   
  55   49     Defas Narvaez Jose Rafael                 0 Imb           1½   0   25½ 27   5½   0 


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