Die regelmässige Schachdatenbanken 10 Days beinhaltet Partien von Schachturnieren von der ganzen Welt

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Important: The 10 Days database will be discontinued on January 1st, 2025 and will not receive further updates.

10 Days 700 : 01.10.2022

Schachpartien 9264
Schachturniere 41

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Montevideo URU, 50 Aniversario Trebejos

Rank SNo.     Name                      Rtg FED Club            Pts Res. BH. BH. BHs  Vict 
   1    1 IM  Acosta Pablo Ismael      2452 ARG                 7½   0   42½ 54½ 433   6   
   2    2 IM  Saldano Dayer Horacio    2392 ESP                  7   0   41  53½ 438   6   
   3    4 GM  Hoffman Alejandro        2379 URU Banco Republica 6½   0   41  52  420½  4   
   4    6 IM  Coppola Claudio          2309 URU Banco Republica 6½   0   37  48½ 409   5   
   5    3 IM  Roselli Mailhe Bernardo  2391 URU Banco Republica 6½   0   37  46½ 408½  6   
   6   10 FM  Curi Gabriel             2136 URU Trebejos        6½   0   36½ 47½ 425½  4   
   7    9 CM  Ibanez Juan Rodrigo      2147 URU Trebejos        6½   0   35½ 46½ 393½  6   
   8   35     Ressia Lorenzo           1659 URU Cerro            6   0   35  45½ 389½  5   
   9   24     Avedisian Alexander      1835 URU Trebejos         6   0   30½ 39½ 376½  6   
  10   25     Rodriguez Farias Victor  1820 URU Mijail Tal       6   0   29½ 39  377½  6   
  11    5 FM  Carbone Diego            2314 URU Banco Republica 5½   0   41  52½ 337   5   
  12    7 FM  Lopez Azambuja Nicolas   2305 URU La Proa         5½   0   37  48½ 383   5   
  13   31     Amaral Francisco         1728 URU Enroque Largo   5½   0   36½ 48  408½  4   
  14   14 CM  Pichuaga Juan Pablo      2009 URU Cerro           5½   0   35½ 45½ 393   5   
  15   41     Errazola Mauricio        1588 URU Enroque Largo   5½   0   29½ 39  354   5   
  16   15 NM  Saralegui Mario          1998 URU Trebejos         5   0   40  50  397½  4   
  17    8 NM  Dominguez Facundo        2167 URU Trebejos         5   0   37½ 46  384   5   
  18   21     Elena Eduardo            1879 URU Solis De Pando   5   0   37  47  379   5   
  19   17 NM  Escofet Jaime            1941 URU Solis De Pando   5   0   33  42½ 264   2   
  20   16     Benitez Andres           1974 URU Minas            5   0   32½ 43  332½  5   
  21   19     Manteiga Franco          1909 URU La Proa          5   0   32  41  360   5   
  22   32     Kulik Nicolas            1727 URU La Proa          5   0   30½ 39½ 377   3   
  23   12     Espel Luis               2024 URU Modelo           5   0   29  37  355½  4   
  24   29     Garcia Axel              1783 URU Udelar           5   0   29  36  367   5   
  25   11 CM  Arias Bouzada Jorge      2051 URU Trebejos        4½   0   38  48½ 407   4   
  26   51     Lanzilotta Filippo       1425 URU La Proa         4½   0   34  43½ 332   3   
  27   23 WFM Quevedo Andreina         1838 URU La Proa         4½   0   33½ 42  378½  3   
  28   22     Ramos Correa Gabriel     1876 URU Trebejos        4½   0   32½ 42  304½  3   
  29   26     Davila Texeira Mario     1813 URU Enroque Largo   4½   0   26½ 34  339   3   
  30   36     Perez Selios Luis        1637 URU Trebejos         4   0   37½ 47½ 379   3   
  31   30     Moreno Diego             1728 URU Banco Republica  4   0   33½ 42½ 336½  3   
  32   42     Pelaez Diego             1546 URU Cerro            4   0   33½ 41  359   4   
  33   13 CM  Bustelo Tabare           2023 URU Trebejos         4   0   33  42  336½  2   
  34   49     Steiner Matias           1437 URU                  4   0   33  41  359   4   
  35   34     Osores Roberto           1682 URU Bonecarrere      4   0   27½ 36½ 267   3   
  36   45     Fabra Nahiara            1521 URU Cerro            4   0   27½ 35½ 334½  3   
  37   56     Aguirre Milagros            0 URU Cerro            4   0   27  34½ 347   3   
  38   53     Cardarelli Leon          1321 URU Cosmopolita      4   0   25½ 32½ 337½  3   
  39   50     Silvera Pilar            1432 URU Enroque Largo    4   0   25  32½ 343   3   
  40   28 WCM Silva Rosas Natalia      1785 URU Trebejos        3½   0   32½ 41½ 368½  2   
  41   44     Duarte Horacio           1532 URU                 3½   0   31  39  324   3   
  42   57     Campero Gonzalo             0 URU                 3½   0   26½ 34  296   2   
  43   55     Mott Juan                1170 URU Trebejos        3½   0   24  31½ 308   3   
  44   52     Morales Mazzone Leandro  1382 URU Trebejos        3½   0   23  29½ 328   2   
  45   48     Shih Ferreira Yin Chieh  1463 URU Bonecarrere      3   0   30  36½ 294½  2   
  46   18     Romero Juan              1930 URU Trebejos         3   0   29  37½ 284   3   
  47   38     Reolon Victor            1610 URU Cerro            3   0   28½ 36  325½  2   
  48   46     Guedikian Alan Misac     1520 URU Club Colonia     3   0   27  34  324½  2   
  49   47     Gonzalez Martinez Fabian 1489 URU Trebejos         3   0   25  32½ 333   3   
  50   54     Bossi Hugo               1321 URU Solis De Pando   3   0   22½ 30  253   2   
  51   43     Bon Charles              1535 URU Cerro           2½   0   29  37½ 288   2   
  52   27     Pena Canapa Alfredo      1794 URU Trebejos        2½   0   29  36  219   2   
  53   33     Kaciusis Daniel          1706 URU Trebejos         2   0   27  36½ 319   2   
  54   39     Sardi Anibal             1595 URU                  2   0   27  35½ 224   1   
  55   60     Wilson Martin               0 URU                  2   0   25  31½ 217   1   
  56   20     Cuello Toledo Guzman     1887 URU Trebejos        1½   0   25½ 34½ 184½  1   
  57   58     Gonzalez Bodega Juliana     0 URU                 1½   0   24  32  305½  1   
  58   40     Nakle Gonzalo            1591 URU Velsen           ½   0   23½ 30  82½   0   
  59   59     Nunez Felipe                0 URU Modelo           0   0   21  27  81½   0   
  60   37     Griselka Diego           1633 URU Cerro            0   0   21  27  48½   0   


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