Die regelmässige Schachdatenbanken 10 Days beinhaltet Partien von Schachturnieren von der ganzen Welt

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Important: The 10 Days database will be discontinued on January 1st, 2025 and will not receive further updates.

10 Days 738 : 20.10.2023

Schachpartien 6725
Schachturniere 49

Sehen Sie alle Turniere

Holguin CUB, Regional Ch SF 2023

Rank SNo.     Name                                  Rtg FED Pts Res. BH. BH.  SB   Vict 
   1    6     Leyva Almaguer Orlando               2120 CUB  6   0   28½ 27  23,75  5   
   2    5     Fuentes De Feria Hector Luis         2151 CUB  5   0   27  25½ 17,25  3   
   3    1     Gomez Torres Richard Daniel          2200 CUB  5   0   25½ 23½ 16,75  4   
   4   11     Acosta Guerrero Yadel Alejandro      2020 CUB 4½   0   30½ 27  17,00  4   
   5    4     Sanchez Suarez Miguel Gelasio        2154 CUB 4½   0   28  26½ 16,25  3   
   6   15     Quevedo Puron Noryan                 1902 CUB 4½   0   28  26  16,50  3   
   7    2     Bonet Molina Ariel                   2187 CUB  4   1   26½ 23½ 14,50  3   
   8   13 WFM Venzant Batista Marcia Camila      F 2006 CUB  4   0   23½ 21½ 11,75  3   
   9    9     Valdes Martinez Miguel A.            2061 CUB 3½   0   26½ 23½ 11,50  3   
  10   19     Calzadilla Gonzalez David Alejan     1729 CUB 3½   0   24½ 22½ 10,25  2   
  11    3     Machin Parra Leandro                 2160 CUB 3½   0   24  22  10,50  3   
  12   22     Rodriguez Fernandez Yamir               0 CUB 3½   0   23½ 22  8,50   3   
  13   21     Sanchez Gonzalez Alejandro Antonio   1597 CUB 3½   0   21½ 20  9,00   2   
  14   14     Leyva Infante Victor Manuel          2005 CUB  3   0   26  24  9,00   2   
  15   10     Aragon Suarez Carlos                 2038 CUB  3   0   25  22  9,75   2   
  16   20     Escobar Galban Daniel                1715 CUB  3   0   24½ 23  8,50   2   
  17   18     Molina Figueredo Rafael              1822 CUB  3   0   19  17½ 6,00   2   
  18    7     Escobar Roldan Jose Luis             2088 CUB  3   0   18½ 17  6,75   2   
  19   12     Rodriguez Laguna Alexis              2019 CUB  2   ½   22½ 21  5,00   1   
  20    8     Gonzalez Pupo Daniel                 2067 CUB  2   ½   21½ 20  6,50   0   
  21   16     Pratts Guerrero Alexis               1897 CUB 1½   1   22½ 21  3,00   1   
  22   17     Cruz Cordovi Yander                  1891 CUB 1½   0   22  20½ 3,50   1  


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