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15. Pojedinacno prvenstvo Srbije u sahu 2021 za muskarce

Last update 14.12.2021 15:17:54, Creator/Last Upload: Belgrade Chess Federation

Starting rank list of players

7GMIndjic Aleksandar911925SRB2623
1GMIvic Velimir950122SRB2606
8GMBogosavljevic Boban931152SRB2513
6GMBudisavljevic Luka960047SRB2499
10GMKovacevic Aleksandar903124SRB2497
3GMRatkovic Miloje914517SRB2493
2IMStankovic Milos938190SRB2421
5IMRadovanovic Nikola900087SRB2415
9IMArsovic Zoran901679SRB2366
4GMDrazic Sinisa901172SRB2305